Our People
The New Zealand Assessment Institute (NZAI) is the initiative of Professor Jenny Poskitt and Michael Absolum.
Dr Poskitt, NZAI President, is Professor in the Institute of Education at Massey University. She has experience as a primary school teacher, parent, researcher, university lecturer and member of numerous national advisory groups.
Michael Absolum is a director of Evaluation Associates Ltd, a highly regarded professional development provider in educational assessment. He is the author of influential assessment publications for teachers.

Dr Jenny Poskitt
Inst. of Education, Massey University

Michael Absolum ONZM
Evaluation Associates Ltd
Dr Beverley Booth
Devonport School, Auckland
Sue Chalmers
NZ Qualifications Authority
Dr Peter Rawlins
Inst. of Education, Massey University
Kaye Brunton
Evaluation Associates Ltd
Professor Bronwen Cowie
University of Waikato
Ruth Tate
Glenbrook School, Auckland
Adrienne Carlisle
ex Evaluation Associates
Vivienne Mallabar
Ormiston Junior College, Auckland
Garry Taylor
Evaluation Associates, Christchurch
Robyn Caygill
Ministry of Education
Dr Esther Smaill
NZCER, Wellington
Angela Thorogood
Kelston Primary School, Auckland